We, at LYSA TOPSoccer, are looking for enthusiastic individuals who can make a difference in the lives of our athletes. We need coaches, assistant coaches, buddies, and administrative support staff.
Although experience playing or coaching soccer and working with persons with disabilities is helpful for volunteering with TOPS, it is not required. Training is provided.
Current Openings:
STEP ONE: Register
All volunteers must complete the online LYSA TOPSoccer VOLUNTEER registration form for the current season via GotSport. Volunteer placement decisions are made about one to two weeks after registration closes. It’s the responsibility of volunteers to make sure they have completed risk management and training items by deadlines.
STEP TWO: Complete Risk Management Requirements (If 18 Years or Older)
TOPSoccer volunteers aged 18 years and older are required to complete a background check every two years and a SafeSport course every year.
Volunteers can access these items from their GotSport Dashboard. Items listed as “required” or “expired” need to be completed within one week of registration.
Note #1: Volunteers who turn 18 years of age during the season will need to complete SafeSport training before the season starts to be assigned a volunteer role (requires parental consent) AND commit to completing the background check once they turn 18 years.
Note #2: When you create your GotSport account for the first time, make sure you enter your full legal name for your name. If you have taken a SafeSport course in the past, your GotSport user ID/email needs to be the same as your US Center for SafeSport user ID/email.
Instructions to Check & Complete Risk Management Items:
STEP THREE: Complete Online USYS TOPSoccer Course (If New TOPSoccer Coach or Buddy)
New TOPSoccer coaches and buddies are required to complete a brief online TOPSoccer course. The course takes around 15 minutes to complete. The director will email instructions and a fee waiver code for the appropriate course after volunteer availability has been confirmed AND, if subject to risk management, after risk management items have been completed. Volunteers must email a copy of their completion certificate to the director before the date of the volunteer orientation.
STEP FOUR: Compete Additional Orientation & Training