859-223-5632 office@lysa.org



About Us

About Us

About Us

TOPSoccer (TOPS - The Outreach Program for Soccer) is a recreational sports program for children and adults with intellectual, emotional, or physical disabilities offered only through US Youth Soccer-affiliated soccer clubs, such as the Lexington Youth Soccer Association (LYSA). TOPS provides people with diverse abilities with an opportunity to play soccer in a structured environment that is safe, fun, supportive, and inclusive.

The TOPS program was launched by the US Youth Soccer Association (USYSA) in 1990, and became one of LYSA’s leagues in 2009. LYSA’s TOPS program is run by volunteer administrators, coaches, buddies, and support staff. Sessions are held in the fall and the spring at a local indoor facility. 

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can play TOPS? 

Anyone aged 4 years or older with an intellectual, emotional, or physical disability can play TOPS. Team placement is by ability, size, and age rather than age alone.

Who can volunteer for TOPS?

Anyone can volunteer as long as they are old enough and complete certain volunteer requirements (e.g., background check & SafeSport training for adult volunteers, online training for new volunteers, and in-person training for coaches). Although experience playing or coaching soccer and working with persons with disabilities is helpful for volunteering with TOPS, it is not required. Training is provided.

Volunteer Roles and Eligibility Requirements:

  • Head Coach (leads practice sessions and oversees volunteers assigned to team): 19+ years old & available to assist with all sessions; may miss a minimum of one session if a sub is available; current and former coaches may serve as subs.
  • Assistant Coach (helps manage practice sessions): 16+ years old & available to assist with all sessions; may miss a minimum of one session if a sub is available; current and former assistant coaches may serve as subs.
  • Lead Buddy (provides support to players and guidance to buddies): 16+ years old & available to assist with all sessions; may miss a minimum of one session if a sub is available.
  • Buddy (assists players on the field): 12+ years old & preferably available to assist with all sessions; part-time and sub positions are also available.
  • Other Volunteer Roles (e.g., director, assistant director, family & volunteer coordinator, check-in staff, photographer, videographer): age and time commitment varies by role; current openings: family & volunteer coordinator, check-in staff, photographer, & videographer.
  • Special Event Support Staff (requires sign up as opportunities arise): Specific requirements and time commitment depend upon role and commitment made by volunteer. 

How do I become a TOPS player or volunteer?

Player: Requires completion of an online player registration form. Additional forms may be required for certain players (e.g., players with Down syndrome who have atlanto-axial instability and new players aged 18 years or older who request SafeSport training waivers). 

Volunteer: Requires completion of an online volunteer registration form and risk management and training items. Click on the Volunteer Resources link for details. Note: Risk management items only required if volunteer 18 years or older during the season.

Where and when does the LYSA TOPS program take place?

LYSA’s TOPS program is held on Sunday afternoons during Fall and Spring seasons at a local indoor facility. There are 5-6 sessions per season. Scrimmage games are held at the end of practice sessions.

During the Fall season, players have an opportunity to participate in the Cincinnati TOPSoccer Fall Classic on a Saturday during local public and private schools’ Fall Break.

Spring 2025 Session Information:

Location: Lexington Sporting Club (LSC) Indoor Facility 2, 404 Sporting Court in Lexington, KY

Session Dates: 3/23, 3/30, 4/13, 4/27, and 5/04

Session Times & Field Locations Per Team Division:

  • Dribblers (~4-7 years): 3:00 – 4:00 PM on Field A
  • Shooters (~8-11 years): 3:00 – 4:00 PM on Field B
  • Wings (~12-15 years): 4:15 – 5:15 PM on Field B
  • Kickers (~16+ years): 4:15 – 5:15 PM on Field A

Note: Players and volunteers are asked to arrive early to check in and get ready for the session (e.g., first practice session date: admin and check-in staff – 1 hour early, coaches 30 min early, buddies – 20 min early, and players – 15 to 20 min early; remaining session dates: arrival time depends on role and team assignment [e.g., buddies expected on the field 10 min before practice start time]).

What do players and volunteers need to wear and bring to sessions?


  • League T-Shirt and Name Tag (provided by league)

  • Soccer Shorts (or athletic pants without zippers or snaps)

  • Shin Guards (worn under soccer socks [or in pockets of soccer sleeves])

  • Soccer Socks (provided by league)

  • Tennis Shoes or Indoor Soccer Shoes (outdoor soccer cleats are NOT allowed on artificial turf)

  • Water Bottle Labeled with Name

  • Soccer Ball Labeled with Name (Dribblers - Size 3, Shooters - Size 4, Wings and Kickers – Size 5)

  • Optional for Wings and Kickers Players: Goalkeeper Gloves

  • Reminder: Jewelry and similar items should NOT be worn


  • Volunteer T-Shirt & Name Tag (provided by league)

  • Athletic Shorts or Athletic Pants (modest style and length)

  • Tennis Shoes OR Indoor Soccer Shoes with Socks (outdoor soccer cleats are NOT allowed on artificial turf)

  • Water Bottle Labeled with Name

  • Bag/Backpack for Personal Belongings

How much does it cost to play TOPS?

The registration fee is $35.00. This fee is paid through LYSA’s online registration system. Scholarships are available (click on the Registration link for the financial assistance form).

Players also need the following to play: soccer shorts (or athletic pants without snaps or zippers), shin guards, tennis shoes or indoor soccer shoes, soccer ball, and water bottle. Note: The league provides players with a t-shirt and soccer socks. When possible, the league also provides soccer shorts for new players (and returning players who need a different size).

How much does it cost to volunteer for TOPS?

There is no cost to volunteer for TOPS. The Kentucky Youth Soccer Association (KYSA) covers background checks and training-related costs.

How do I find additional information about TOPS?

Click on the links under the TOPSoccer Menu for additional information about TOPS. You may also contact us if you have any questions. 

TOPSoccer Menu

Contact Information

Contact Information

Contact Information

Program-Related Questions: Lynda Ison, LYSA TOPSoccer Director, topsoccerdirector@lysa.org

Registration-Related Questions: Lois Stephens, LYSA Registrar, 859-223-5632 or registrar@lysa.org

Scholarship-Related Questions: Todd Bretz, LYSA Grassroots Director, grassrootsdirector@lysa.org